Sunday, December 23, 2007

December 19th

:::FotoCap 1: View looking north on Clay Street.

:::FotoCap 2: View from the corner of River and Clay Streets.

:::FotoCap 3: View of the scaffolding at the northeast corner from River Street.

:::FotoCap 4: View of the east facade from River Street.

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND EARLY HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! As the temperatures continue to stay cold in Denver, much of the building is now wrapped in plastic to allow workers to have some heat indoors while they continue working in the units. Most of the exterior windows and doors have been installed. Work continues on the roof. All of the brick ledger angles can be seen on the exterior pilasters. Most of the metal deck railings are now in. Scaffolding for brick laying is present on the south, west, and north facades.

See everyone in 2008!

:::Weekly Slice of RiverClay PAN

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

December 12th

SNOW DAY. No report.

Friday, December 7, 2007

December 5th

:::FotoCap 1: View looking north on Clay Street.

:::FotoCap 2: View of storefront windows at the 1st Floor retail spaces.

:::FotoCap 3: View of the brickwork at the 1st and 2nd Floor.

:::FotoCap 4: View from the corner of Jefferson Park looking southeast.

Back by popular request, yes, it's been a few weeks since my last posting. I'm glad to report that the building continues to progress, although the impending weather in Denver threatens to slow construction down a bit. Winter is here and I think we have been lucky to have such great weather as we have had recently. Fortunately, most of the exterior windows and doors have been installed up to the 6th Floor and the building is completely wrapped with exterior sheathing. This will allow work to continue inside once the cold temperatures and snow starts to hit. Work continues on the roof. They should be wrapping that up in the next week or two. The storefront windows have been installed at the 1st Floor retail. Brickwork continues around the building's north and west exposures. The north side is completely scaffolded up to the 6th Floor. Most of the metal deck railings are now in place. Hopefully, all of my future neighbors have got your finish packages selected and have been by Zocalo to sign your contract amendments.

:::Weekly Slice of RiverClay PAN